Unleash Your Credibility as a Financial Professional and Attract Affluent Clients!

An Authority Positioning Portfolio® helps you to be seen as a trusted advisor with high credibility so you Get Authority, Get Noticed, and Get Clients


So You Can Easily Implement The Strategy As You Read!

Grab Your Copy Of This Amazon Bestselling Book TODAY!

What if you could discover a unique way to stand out from your competition and become the "obvious choice"...simply by amplifying your Authority & Expertise?

Financial services marketing trends have really gotten out of control lately. It's time to go back to the basics. To stand out from your competitors and get new clients, you must focus on amplifying your expertise to a position of prestige to become an instant celebrity on the powerful Publicity, Podcasting, and Publishing platforms. This creates massive credibility and professional branding to enhance your “virtual brick and mortar” visibility.

With an Authority Positioning Portfolio™ your business will earn:

  • Status

  • Prestige

  • Significance

The truth is, you can be seen as having the same level of credibility as top influencers in your industry ...you just haven’t amplified your expertise to the position of prestige needed to be seen as an Expert. AUTHORITY SELLING™ solves that for you!

“Becoming a recognized expert in your field is the key to long term success. Authority Selling™, shows you how to do just that”

-Tom Hopkins, Americas #1 Sales Trainer & author of How to Master the Art of Selling and When Buyers Say No

By Now, You Realize the Power in Being Seen as a Trusted Authority & Expert

Imagine if you could instantly become a celebrity in your industry, with visibility that amplifies your expertise and attracts high-quality clients.

It's like having a secret weapon that sets you apart from your competition and positions you as the go-to expert in your field.

Mike helps Financial Professionals who struggle with standing out from their competition, to become n instant celebrities on the powerful platforms of Publicity, Podcasting, and Publishing.

This creates omnipresence so they are seen as an Expert and Authority to attract more clients, increase profits and make more impact to go from a “Hidden Hero” to becoming THE In-Demand Trusted Advisor with Indestructible Authority so they Get Authority, Get Noticed, and Get Clients!

Mike is passionate about seeing his family grow up with high spiritual values and providing them opportunities to succeed. He is heavily involved in his local church and is focused on teaching others the benefits of giving and serving.

There’s one simple reason for the MAJOR SHIFT that happened in marketing…

Everybody’s doing it! If you just use the same old marketing techniques as the average Joe or Jane, how can you expect to get better than average results?

You must CRUSH your competition by being the TRUSTED AUTHORITY & EXPERT.

You need to be able to…

  • Utilize unique and affordable marketing techniques and gain access to respected media outlets.

  • Position yourself as a trusted member in your industry, by using the lessons learned from this cutting-edge psychological research.

  • Land speaking engagements with other respected influential experts, so that your name also becomes synonymous with success.

  • Learn how "ZMOT" is relevant to building authority.

  • Pre-frame your own authority with the best exposure so that you can prove your value, even if you’re just getting started.

One little-known benefit of establishing powerful authority positioning is the MASSIVE shift in your MINDSET as you begin seeing your Authority Positioning Portfolio® come to life!

When you claim your free copy of

Authority Positioning for Financial Professionals, you’ll get access to…

The Authority Positioning that you need to maximize your credibility & trust, so that your prospects want to give you their money.

Powerful principles of psychology that you can use to leverage authority, social proof, and scarcity, to make more sales with less effort.

In this book you will not find sales scripts or how to overcome objections, there are plenty of other books that cover that. What you will find, is how to use your platform of Authority Positioning to separate yourself from your competition so that you become the obvious choice.

The 60 Day Guide to developing your "Authority Positioning Portfolio®".

And much more!

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